Instrumental version on demand
At multiple request I made an instrumental version for string quartet last week of the already composed music with the above title. I paid attention to the differences between a choir and a (wordless) string quartet and at the same time followed the choir version as closely as possible.
It might well be, you like the music.
Advice for listening to the music !!
Of course, before listening, you can read Lermontov's poem
Find an easy chair - a
chaise longue for example - and an comfortable moment.
Do not set the sound system too loud and preferably take the remote control with you when you sit down in the chair.
Press START (if necessary with the mouse of the computer), close your eyes, and let yourself be carried away with the emotions during the almost 12 minutes that follow. The music you'll find at the bottom of this page.
Repeat this cycle at least four times in a row.
Then go to the
choir version and listen to it. Decide for yourself which version you prefer to listen to (even in this electronic version).
... for musing while listening, ordered by importance:
1) nothing at all
2) the Corona crisis
3) your love life
4) the saddest experience in your life
5) the most beautiful experience in your life
6) the problems of the millions of refugees in the world who
don't even have the opportunity to find distraction in the fine arts
7) ...
After this, this music is
integrated into your brain and you will find it indispensable.
WARNING: Once you have reached this stage, it is very likely that you will no longer be able to appreciate many forms of din music and music din. You are then cleared of note diarrhea.
I wish you many many emotions and inner peace or restlessness.
As soon as a concert with real people is planned, I will inform you by mail and this site. The concert - with or without Corona rules - will undoubtedly increase your joy and emotions tenfold!
With a deeply felt - music-drugged - virtual embrace,
P.S .: Elsewhere on this site you can read and listen to this poem by Mikhail Lermontov in the 8-part chorus version
a capella. On that page you will also find some background information about Lermontov and the poem.
This is the link to that page .