Openingsbeeld Vervolg


On a poem by M. Vasalis

— Score —

Below you can read the entire score (Dutch version) along with listening tot the music. The play arrow changes to a pause sign when the music is running. During playback, you can change your mind and go back to the beginning by picking up the bubble on the playline and sliding it to the beginning.
First start the music and 'turn' the page via the red arrow on the right.
With the left arrow you can scroll back (but the music will of course continue playing, unless you pause the music).
You can also select the pages via the dots under the score sheet. The far left is page 1 and the far right is the last page. The black dot indicates the current page.

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It goes without saying that this presentation of the score is exclusively intended for reading.
Copying of the pages - in which way ever - is not allowed.
All rights © belong to Galaxa Media Publisher.

We did our utmost to make this site as simple and fast as possible. We recommend that you use a computer or tablet, even though the site adaps itself as much as possible to the dimensions of your screen and can therefore also be viewed on a mobile. To listen to the compositions on this site, a computer and a good audio system are essential.
Site created by: © Galaxa Design - copying the site, or any part of the content, music or images is
prohibited without prior written permission of the publisher. To contact the publisher, please use Galaxa Media Publishing House. To contact the composer use Aristos Bouïus.